The New Competitive Advantage of U.S.-based Plastic Manufacturing
Thursday, December 01, 2022
02:00 pm
- 03:00 pm
What has been a long-held belief –it is cheaper to import plastic based manufactured goods–is no longer true. We’ll share a recent study from Shale Crescent USA and JobsOhio that illustrates how the forces and trends that led to offshoring U.S. manufacturing operations have reversed course and are now favoring domestic production. Eliminating trans-continental supply chains offers cost savings, lower risks and reduced environmental impact.
We’ll also explore why Ohio is one of the best states for domestic plastics manufacturing. With abundant, low-cost natural gas and natural gas liquids, and a central location within a day’s drive to over half the U.S. population, it’s no surprise Ohio is already one of the top plastic product producers in the United States. We will break down the costs between manufacturing in Ohio vs. China to help you understand how to better position your operation for the future.
Primary Topics:
• How China lost its competitive advantage
• The benefits of bringing plastic manufacturing to the U.S.
• Why Ohio is the best state for domestic production
• Ohio vs. China cost analysis