The summer heat has been miserable this year, which sometimes creates office attire issues. The Grand Rapids Press tackles the topic today with a story, "What's too casual for office attire? Managers offer advice." Correspondent Morgan Jarema talked to a few local supervisors and HR executives and came up with some common-sense advice:
- Ideas of appropriateness can vary by company. Be mindful of the company culture.
- Flip-flops are the most common "too casual" violation.
- Interns should take their cues from employees.
- Managers should have a well-defined dress code in place, and should remind staffers every season in an email or a blurb in the company newsletter.
- If someone comes to work dressed in something that falls outside guidelines, take them aside ASAP.
- Be careful about sleeveless tops. If you're not sure they're OK, bring a jacket to work, just in case.
- Avoid sheer clothing and short skirts.
- Avoid T-shirts.