INDIANAPOLIS -- Sales at plastics manufacturing companies have trended upward for over the last 18 months, with most experiencing solid growth, according to a new study from the Manufacturers Association for Plastics Processors (MAPP).
The study, called the 2013 Sales Management Report, attributes the growth to a rebound effect from the deep recession that started in 2008.
"MAPP's Sales Management Study generally revealed that discipline is lacking in the sales process; more specifically, in the tracking and pursuit of customer prospects. A sales management process that is deficient in the aggressive pursuit and the essential tracking of potential customers violates the basics of selling. Continuous planning for weak demand in the market place can greatly distinguish growth focused companies from the rest of the pack," said Troy Nix, executive director of Indianapolis-based MAPP, in a news release.
The study, which polled 120 participants, includes staffing tables, a view of commission rates for both internal and external sales professionals and the methods of compensation for sales managers on internal payroll.
"For companies with commission structures in place, 34 percent indicated that commission rates are adjusted and reduced accordingly when customers mandate annual cost reductions or givebacks," Nix said. "While 40 percent said there are no adjustments to commission rates based on cost downs with the remainder indicating it did not apply to their businesses."
For more information on the study contact MAPP at (317) 913-2440 or