Anglers beware -- there's a new plastic product under pressure from legislators, and it could change the way you fish.
According to Keep America Fishing, a website for the American Sportfishing Association, a state representative in Maine has proposed legislation that would prohibit the use of all "rubber" lures. ("Maine legislators poised to ban all soft baits.")
The story points out that anglers don't really use "rubber" lures. So the ban would impact plastics -- including biodegradable plastic products.
The association is urging its members to write to the legislators to voice opposition to the legislation.
I'm opposed to bans on plastic products, but I acknowledge that plastic marine debris is a real problem that deserves attention.
And, by the way, I think that's a philosophy shared by most people in the plastics industry.
Much of the research that I've seen on marine debris cites nylon fishing line and netting as contributors to the problem. This is the first time I've seen plastic fishing lures under fire.