LOWELL, MASS. — Moulds Plus International USA is concerned about the training of future plastics professionals and is responding by offering a scholarship to a student in the Plastics Engineering Department at UMass Lowell.
The company, which has its U.S. manufacturing operations in Santa Ana, Calif., supplies Ultra Purge purging compounds to thermoplastic processors worldwide.
“In the past few years, we've read about and talked to our customers. We see that it is increasingly difficult to hire plastics professionals, so we thought it would good to encourage more people to come into the plastics industry,” said Andrew Reeder, national sales manager at Moulds Plus.
He did not disclose the amount of the scholarship, but noted that it would help a student to pay for books or other incidental costs. It is open to UMass Lowell students that are either sophomore, junior or seniors and that have a grade point average 2.5 or better.