SPRINGFIELD, ILL. — Approximately 42 million pounds of electronics were recycled last year in Illinois after a statewide ban on disposing e-waste at landfills was enacted Jan. 1, 2012, according to the Illinois EPA.
Of the 77 electronics manufacturers that were assigned recycling goals by the agency for 2012, 72 of them met their goals.
The top e-waste recycler in the state was Hewlett-Packard at 6 million pounds, followed by Samsung Electronics Co., Best Buy and Panasonic Corp. of North America at 5.4 million, 4.4 million and 3.6 million pounds, respectively.
Many other well-known electronics manufacturers such as Amazon, Apple Inc., Dell Inc., Microsoft Corp., LG Electronics USA Inc. and Acer American Corp. participated as well, according to the report.
The total amount of e-waste that was recycled beat the recycling goal set by the Illinois Products Recycling and Reuse Act by approximately 2.9 million pounds, EPA reported.