MUMBAI -- Austrian extruder maker They¬sohn Extrusionstechnik GmbH is upgrading its operation in India.
With the swelling Indian pipe market and growing demand for its equipment, Theysohn is assembling its low-output extruders at the plant in Pune, India.
“Now we have started marketing the low-output pipe extruder in India,” said Rajesh Shinde, Theysohn director.
Meanwhile, Theysohn soon will offer extruders and downstream equipment for making rigid PVC pipe in India.
“The heart of the extruder, like the screw barrel and gearbox, would continue to come from Vienna,” he said. “The extruder would be slightly higher priced compared to what is available in the Indian market,” said Shinde, who is heading the Pune operation.
But Theysohn plans to cater to the price-sensitive overseas market from the Pune-based plant. “We may go into other price-sensitive markets of Asia and Africa with a new, cost-effective range,” he said.