LMG, formerly Lawton Machinery Group, has built a 500-ton down-acting compression molding press with an integrated material transfer shuttle system for molding high-temperature thermoplastic materials.
The shuttle is loaded with a sheet of plastic. Then the servo-driven shuttle travels into an oven where it stops until the material is heated to 650°F. The shuttle then travels at a high speed into the press. The mold closes at high speed, enabling the material to be released from the mold from the shuttle at is moves through the compression stroke.
Once the part is molded, the material load frame and the molded part can be removed easily by an operator.
The press has a close speed of 1,200 inches per minute, and a pressing speed of 100 inches per minute.
To reduce horsepower needs, LMP has equipped the machine with accumulators. Also, gib guides provide better parallelism control and lower maintenance costs then conventional round-tie rods and bushings.
LMG is based in De Pere, Wis.
Tel. 920-347-1983.