Rainier Plastics Inc., a recycler in Yakima, Wash., has started production on its fourth Erema plastics reprocessing system, a 1512 TVEplus extruder with an SW RTF back-flushing screen changer, Erema North America Inc. reports.
Rainier bales, shreds, grinds, pelletizes and blends raw materials for the North American plastics industry, producing more than 35 million pounds a year. The resin pellets are custom-processed to match each customer's requirements.
The Erema TVEplus feeds scrap material into a large vertical cutter/compactor unit that uses friction to densify, size reduce and prewarm the plastic. The unit can blend scrap materials while they are in the chamber. The material is them fed directly to the extruder screw.
According to Erema, if Ipswich, mass., compacting and melting happen gradually, at a precisely controlled temperature. That adds minimal heat history to the reclaimed material.
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