The American Chemistry Council is once again looking for plastic recycling innovators.
The Plastics Division of the American Chemistry Council is seeking nominations for the 2013 Awards for Innovation in Plastics Recycling.
For the first time, the award is open to anyone throughout North America. The award aims to honor companies, individuals or governmental bodies that develop new technologies, products or other initiatives using post-consumer plastic.
“Every day innovative companies are finding new ways to divert used plastics from the waste stream, and, in the process are creating sustainable new products that contribute to everyday life,” said Steve Russell, vice president of plastics for the American Chemistry Council, in a statement. “We're proud to continually honor successful plastic recyclers for their initiative and innovative spirit. Their efforts show consumers that recycling makes a difference, creates jobs and supports the economy.”
Deadline for submission is October 8 and winners will be announced Nov. 12 in Washington.
Past winners include KW Plastics, Safeplay Systems in 2012; and Axion, Nepco and Trex in 2011.