TRAVERSE CITY, MICH. — RJG Inc. is opening a new office and training center in Woodstock, Georgia, in October.
The 8,000-square-foot facility, just north of Atlanta, eventually will house seven injection molding machines and classroom that will hold up to 24 students.
The RJG team in Georgia includes regional manager John Knipp, trainer/consultant Jason Robinson and account coordinator Nina Schultz. A lab manager will be hired soon.
The first training class there will be a Systematic Molding course Dec. 10-12. RJG will release a completed 2014 training schedule soon.
RJG officials wanted the Southeastern center to mirror the headquarters facility in Traverse City.
“We've struggled recently to keep up with the demand for RJG training classes, especially the Master Molder certification program,” said Gary Chastain, RJG's training manager. “Adding this facility will allow RJG to offer more training classes throughout the year and will make attending RJG training courses more convenient for customers in the southeastern part of the U.S.”