DÜSSELDORF, GERMANY — You're at the K 2013 — the world's biggest plastics show. Now are you ready for NPE, two years from now?
The Society of the Plastics Industry Inc. announced at K 2013 that registration is now “live” at www.npe.org for NPE 2015, set for March 23-27 in Orlando, Fla.
During the K show people who register for NPE 2015 will receive a complimentary pass to the NPE show floor and get priority in making hotel reservations several weeks before the housing service opens to the general public in mid-2014. And the same early access benefit goes for anyone who registers before midnight on Dec. 31, 2013.
For international visitors who require a visa to enter the United States, the NPE website includes the option of asking for an official letter of invitation from SPI, which the trade association said must be presented for visa interviews at U.S. embassies and consulates.
SPI expects NPE2015 will attract more than 60,000 visitors from 100 countries, including 2,000 exhibitors.