Chem-Trend has new purging compounds it claims improve throughput for high density polyethylene bottle caps and closures made in injection and compression molding machines.
The Howell, Mich., company says color and material changes in polyolefin beverage caps and closures can lead to scrap and production delays. New Lusin products cut down on scrap, remove resins that can lead to black spot contamination and reduce the time to clean parts such as screws, cylinders, nozzles and hotrunner systems. Chem-Trend says the two new materials are also food-grade compliant.
Lusin Clean 1060 is formulated to remove residue from injection presses that experience frequent color or material changes. Lusin Clean 1061 is a complement to the 1060 grade. It is designed for machine cleaning prior to scheduled downtime to ensure a scrap-free startup. It removes resins that can lead to black spots if left on machine parts for extended times.
Tel. 517-545-7980, fax 517-546-8910.