The growing e-cigarette market is bringing new business to a British molder who has won a contract to supply key parts for the traditional cigarette replacement.
Sone Products Ltd. announced in a March 12 news release that it has won a three-year contract to supply bottles, caps and dropper plugs to new customer, E-Liquid Co. Ltd., for use in e-cigarettes.
“Securing this three-year supply agreement is excellent news,” said Tony Burnell, business development manager for Stanley, England-based Sone. “Our ability to take an holistic approach is welcomed by our clients, as we are able to provide them with added value services across aspects of their products including design, manufacture and assembly.”
The supply agreement will see Sone use its in-house processing capabilities to manufacture an estimated 1 million packs per year.
Blackburn, England-based E-Liquid supplies liquid for refillable electronic cigarettes.
“The development process was a fantastic journey and the resulting pack will be a game changer in our market,” said Suhail Virmani, E-Liquid director. “Also, the fact that Sone manufactures products in the UK fits really well with our own 'home grown' approach. We are very impressed overall with the company's people and its operation.”
Market research company Euromonitor estimates that 4 percent of the global smoking market will be using e-cigarettes by 2050, Sone said.
The first re-fill packs are expected to roll off production during March.