Integra Plastics Inc. is again looking for space and is planning to put up a new building near its current facility.
The company based in Madison, S.D., which specializes in the fabrication and conversion of polyethylene and polypropylene sheeting, made the announcement recently, according to Gov. Dennis Daugaard's office of Economic Development.
Integra worked with the Lake Area Improvement Corp. to gain funding for the project.
According to the Madison Daily Leader, the company plans to construct a 72,000-square-foot facility that will be fully operational by fall. It expects to hire 10-15 workers.
For Integra, it is the second big expansion in the past few years. In July 2011, it started construction on a 45,000-square-foot plant in Brandon, which is about 55 miles away.
The company makes custom covers and liners for agricultural and environmental uses.