LAS VEGAS — Call it the Super Bowl of SPE parts contests — the Society of Plastics Engineers kicked off its first-ever Global Parts Competition at Antec 2014, as nine award winners from local divisional conferences vied for overall awards under the theme “Plastics for Life.”
Jon Ratzlaff, the outgoing SPE president, announced the winners at the society's press conference April 28 at Antec, held in Las Vegas. He hopes the theme and bigger stage of Antec gives the parts, and the designers and companies that produce them, more publicity.
“We really want to promote this to the world. We don't want it going out just to the plastics industry, although that is a key, because people want publicity to get their parts out there. But again, what we want to show is what plastics can do for the improvement of life,” Ratzlaff said.
Winners are:
Protecting Life Award was awarded to Plasan Carbon Composites, based in Bennington, Vt., for a carbon fiber X-brace over the engine of a Dodge Viper, to provide torsional stiffness, improving handling. The brace features an exposed-weave design.