Mid Michigan Community College is starting a Plastics Engineering Technology program this coming fall on its Harrison, Mich., campus.
The college has been developing curriculum and laboratory facilities since mid-2012, when the National Science Foundation awarded a three-year grant for $700,000. The program will offer non-credit training, certificate programs and an associate's degree that will seamlessly integrate into the four-year bachelor's degree Plastics Engineering Technology at Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Mich., which is about 60 miles from Harrison.
The MMCC plastics program is working with local plastics companies to target the education.
“The plastics industry is stable and growing, and our local manufacturers are key to economic vitality in this region,” said Scott Govitz, the school's executive director of workforce and economic development. “This new program supports these manufacturers and will help local people gain meaningful employment in the plastics sector.”
Students can register now for the program.
Tel. 989-386-6614, www.midmich.edu/plastics.