Certain applications seem just about impossible for plastic to replace traditional materials. Until today, I figured that "trumpet" belonged on that list.
Then I ran across a story from The Telegraph newspaper in the U.K., "World's first plastic trumpet encourages kids to 'have a go'"
The story is about the pTrumpet (pronounced "pee-trumpet"), made by Coventry, England's Warwick Music Ltd. The company touts the would-be brass instrument as the world's first all-plastic trumpet.
This isn't just a plastic knock-off or a look-alike toy. Warwick Music founder Steven Greenall compared it to making a car engine out of plastic. But he claims it costs less than half of a similar-quality metal trumpet.
The pTrumpet follows up the company's pTrombone, introduced in 2011. Now the company is planning more plastic instruments, including flutes, clarinets and saxophones.
Is the all-plastic trumpet equal to the traditional brass version? I'm (definitely) not an expert, so check out the video and decide for yourself.