If you've clicked on a story link on the web for Plastics News this week, you've noticed something a little different.
We're now asking you to register to read stories, although access to those stories on plasticsnews.com remains free.
The change is part of a continued upgrading of the website to continue to offer you up-to-date information about the plastics industry. It will also help us understand what you're looking for when you come to visit the site.
Here's the basic information:
• PlasticsNews.com visitors will be prompted to log in or register when they access news article pages,
• By signing in you will be creating a profile account for Plastics News to send you news, products and services that are important to you.
• By registering you will enjoy free access to all of our news articles on plasticsnews.com.
• Depending on your browser settings, you may have to log in to access articles each time you visit the site, but you only need to register once. And again, access remains free.
Thanks for reading.