Richard Spontak, an authority in nano-technology and North Carolina State University's distinguished professor, chemical and biomolecular engineering and materials science and engineering, has won the International Award from the Society of Plastics Engineers.
SPE will present Spontak with the International Award — the highest annual award in the plastics industry — on March 22 at the Plastics Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony at NPE 2015, in Orlando, Fla. SPE's Antec conference will be held concurrently with NPE.
Spontak's main interests for research relate to the phase behavior and morphology/property development of nanostructured polymers, nanocomposites, electron microscopy and stimuli-responsive media (electroactive and shape memory).
Spontak has won numerous honors and awards for his fundamental and applied research work. He has served on the editorial advisory board of 21 international journals, and holds editorial positions on three of them.
SPE said Spontak is an accomplished educator. He has been elected to the North Carolina State University Academy of Outstanding Teacher, and earned the UNC System board of Governor's Award for Excellence in Teaching.