An eight-alarm fire destroyed Tri-Tech Molded Products Inc.'s plant March 24 in McMinnville, Tenn., and continued to burn March 25.
“It's plastics; it's not going to be out today,” Raymond Roberts, North Warren assistant fire chief, said in a phone interview. “There are going to be hotspots, but we'll contain them.”
All the employees inside the injection molder's facility were evacuated. There were no injuries reported.
Roberts said the plant's owners told firefighters the blaze began in a pile of cardboard outside the back of the building. No official cause has been determined. The state fire marshal is investigating.
The building was completely engulfed in flames within 30 minutes.
“It went up fast. We were on the scene very, very quick,” Roberts said.
Tri-Tech officials could not be reached for comment. According to its website, the firm's plant was a 30,000-square-foot facility. It is considered a total loss, Roberts said.
Tri-Tech injection molds agricultural nursery containers and products for markets including automotive and medical.