ORLANDO, FLA. — Sun Plastech Inc. and Plastics Color Corp. — two well-known materials firms — are marking anniversaries at NPE 2015 in Orlando.
Purging compound maker Sun Plastech will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of its Asaclean-brand purging compound. The product first was launched in Japan in 1990 and now is sold in more than 60 countries worldwide.
Asaclean initially was used to allow for faster color and material changes with less material.
As the product developed, it increased its ability to prevent and remove contamination, as well as to reduce scrap rates and machine downtime, company officials said.
Parsippany, N.J.-based Sun Plastech is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tokyo materials maker Asahi Kasei Corp. In late 2014, the firm commercialized a grade of Asaclean designed for machinery making large polypropylene parts.
Sun Plastech in 2013 expanded its office space in Parsippany to accommodate growth and to upgrade its communications capabilities.
Asaclean has been made at an Asahi Kasei plant in Fowlerville, Mich., since 1996. Asahi Kasei also is one of North America's largest PP compounders.
Also at NPE 2015 in Orlando, Plastics Color Corp. is marking its 50th anniversary. The Calumet City, Ill.-based company was founded in 1964 as Kamco Plastics, a styrene compounder that produced reprocessed color compounds.
By 1989, the firm had changed its name to PCC and was making color and white concentrates as well as other additives, and had locations in Illinois, New Jersey and North Carolina.
In the 2000s, PCC added plants in California and China. Most recently, the firm commercialized MiBatch-brand anti-counterfeiting taggants and expanded its LiquiSol-brand liquid color carrier system.
PCC is a unit of PMC Global Inc., an industrial conglomerate based in Sun Valley, Calif. PCC officials said in a news release that PMC's support over 50 years has allowed PCC “to respond to both market changes and economic downturns.”
“This is an exciting time for Plastics Color,” President Joe Byrne said in a news release. “We are looking forward to 2015 and to how our business will continue to evolve.”
“In 1964, the big focus for us as a company was providing a quality product and pushing it out to the market,” Timothy Workman, vice president of business of development and technology, added in the release.