How can the plastics industry shift the public debate about plastic bags away from bans and fees and toward recycling instead? How about try to educate them, starting with young people?
That's the idea behind the “Think Outside the Bag,” a recycling education contest put together by the Society of the Plastics Industry Inc. and Jason Learning, a nonprofit that supports K-12 science, technology, engineering and match (STEM) education.
Today SPI announced the winners of the 2014 contest. The three first-place winners all receive a $750 cash prize. They are:
• K-4: “Recycle Plastic Bags,” submitted by Annika Karbstein, Winnifred Cox, Ellie Bickel, Ella Chair, Joix Gelman and Addie Vining (Team Super Science Sharks), supervised by Susan Bickel, The Benjamin School, North Palm Beach, Fla.