The chemical splash goggles that hang in my kitchen are not for cutting onions.
That's usually what visitors guess when they see the pair next to my apron and oven mitts.
The truth is I'm an ardent science nerd, and short of building a chemistry lab in my apartment, I'm left with my kitchen as the place where these pursuits often play out.
My kitchen, and this blog.
It's called “Reactions” because I plan to explore stories with a science flavor that intersect with the plastics industry. You'll also get my take (my reaction, you could say — aha!) on odd or surprising stories I encounter covering my day-to-day beast, which include automotive, office furniture and consumer products, along with toolmakers and design.
There will be science fiction references, there will be science fact explanations, there will be some silly puns that I will never apologize for.
And if YOU have an idea for a blog entry, if you know someone working in polymer science or research or R&D deserving of a spotlight, if you are that person… drop me an email at [email protected]. I'd like to share your story.