Plastics are fantastic.
Plastics are a problem.
Plastics are life-saving.
Plastics are soul-sucking.
Well, it depends on your perspective. One thing I do know is this: plastics are not dull — unless you pay for that matte finish. They can be complicated yes, but not dull.
Whether you love the resins, or hate them, or like most, fall somewhere in-between, plastics are a part of our modern lives. Have been, will be.
That's just a fact.
Plastics have become so ingrained in our society that they aren't going anywhere.
In fact, they are making greater inroads into our day-to-day lives than ever before. Products that once were the purview of other materials, think glass and metals, are giving way to plastics more and more.
Plastics, for me, mean recycling and packaging – those are the beats I cover for Plastics News.
That means I've learned to spell words like polyethylene terephthalate and polypropylene. Learned that pouches are taking over the world. Learned that some believe that plastics will always be wonderful, or controversial, and maybe even both, depending on your perspective.
Regardless of your views on plastics, they are seemingly omnipresent — an everyday part of our lives. Try spending any appreciable time away from them. Good luck with that.
So if you have any news about packaging or recycling you think would be a good fit for Plastics News, feel free to drop me a line.
Oh, and one other thing, about the name of this blog.
No. 7.
Think resin identification code, as in “other.” Just like the end-of-the line code that's home to all the resins that don't fit into Nos. 1-6, this blog hopes to serve as a place where you can find other stuff about plastics recycling and packaging that might not otherwise make it into the annals of Plastics News.