Ford is jumping on board with the 3-D printing craze.
The automaker recently launched an online store with 3-D printable models of its vehicles, bringing plastic Focuses and 6-inch GTs to the masses. It's a nice gesture for those of us for whom the real versions are just slightly out of our price range.
And now, the blue oval folks have announced a partnership with 3-D printing startup Carbon3D.
Carbon3D gained attention this spring with a TED talk by its CEO Joseph DeSimone, who dramatically fabricated a geodesic ball on-stage as he delivered a 10-minute explanation of the company's patented technology. He compared the process to a scene in Terminator 2: Judgement Day in which Skynet's T-1000 robot assassin materializes from a pool of metallic goo.
Ford is apparently not concerned that its new partner claims inspiration from a villainous shape-shifting death machine.