All-Plastics LLC
Title: Marketing coordinator
Location: Headquarters is in Addison, Texas; Latiolais is in the Kerrville, Texas, office.
Birthplace: Nederland, Texas
Social media: Facebook and Linkedin
Education: Bachelor's degree in business administration-marketing, Lamar University.
Career highlights: I believe I am living one of the highlights of my career, every day. Not many can say they were an active part of a team that took a stagnant business, completely restructured it and made it grow.
Associations: I am an executive board member of a public school foundation that raises funds for innovative teaching and scholarships. I visit a hospice patient weekly at a nursing home to provide social support through talking and reading. I am an active member of the Kerrville (Texas) Chamber of Commerce and volunteer in various capacities. I am also an officer of the Leadership Alumni Association through the Chamber of Commerce.
Q: Tell us about your family.
Latiolais: I have a wonderful husband named Troy who is an assistant principal and we have two beautiful daughters, Emma, 3 years old, and Nora, 10 months old.
Q: What was your first plastics job and why were you interested in the industry?
Latiolais: My first plastics job was with the same leadership team, at Atek Plastics Inc. My favorite part about manufacturing in general is the excitement of taking a concept and making it into a reality.
Q: What is your greatest achievement?
Latiolais: Having a job that I truly enjoy. I have had a job before that, for lack of better words, was disappointing. Doing something you enjoy alongside people with the same goals is inspiring and is worth more than any award.
Q: What is your biggest failure and what did it teach you?
Latiolais: Passing judgment on someone without knowing the road they are walking in life. I am sure many have had similar aha moments of that sort, but my experience has taught me to be more compassionate and to tune in.
Q: What is your current challenge at work?
Latiolais: One of my biggest challenges is to find creative discounted resources to present to our employees alongside our wellness program.
Q: What emerging technology or market most interests you?
Latiolais: 3-D printing
Q: What about the plastics industry surprises you?
Latiolais: The amount of U.S. dollars spent overseas for manufacturing.
Q: What is the best advice you have ever received?
Latiolais: If you do not ask for it, then the answer will always be no.
Q: What advice would you give to a person considering a career in the plastics industry?
Latiolais: Work for a processor whose core competencies encompass employees and training.
Q: If you were CEO of a company what would you do first?
Latiolais: Identify the culture and backbone of the company to establish areas of improvement while preserving the good.
Q: Who is your mentor, or someone you look up to?
Latiolais: I was very fortunate to have grandparents that mentored me and taught me about business. As far back as I can remember they had always owned multiple businesses, even up until a few years ago. They instilled in me priceless values in effective communication, hard work, giving back to the community and networking.
Q: What job do you really want to have in the future?
Latiolais: I would like to be more actively involved in creating new employee programs that bring value to our business.
Q: What do you do to relax?
Latiolais: Running and working out relaxes me and helps me think clearly, especially if I am stressed.