Europe's first pan-European exhibition and conference solely dedicated to plastics recycling, the Plastics Recycling Show Europe, is set for Nov. 25 and 26 in Belgium.
The show, organized Plastics News Europe and PRW with Crain Communications Inc. will take place at the Tour & Taxis Venue in Brussels. PNE and PRW are sister publications of Plastics News and the three magazines are owned by Detroit-based Crain Communications.
Industry body Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE) is strongly supporting the exhibition and is organizing the conference in conjunction with Plastics Recycling Show event organizers Crain Communications. The event is organized in association with Polymer Comply Europe and is also supported by EPRO, the European Association of Plastics Recycling & Recovery Organizations. Other industry bodies supporting the event include European Plastics Converters, Petcore Europe, Recovinyl, Plastics Europe, Federplast, FEBEM-FEGE and Vinyl Plus.
A broad cross section of the industry will be represented at the event, including plastics recycling machinery and equipment suppliers, plastic material suppliers and compounders, handling and logistics services, pre-processors, plastics recyclers, waste management specialists, industry associations and project management consultants.
Among speakers confirmed at the conference are Jason Ord, director, environmental responsibility, EMEA at Hewlett-Packard; Kevin Wyse, head of packaging innovation technology at Marks & Spencer; Dominic Hogg, chairman of environmental consultancy Eunomia; Ton Emans, President of Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE) and Peter Sundt, Secretary General of EPRO.
Among the companies from across Europe already booked to appear in the exhibition are machinery manufacturers Amut, Erema, KraussMaffei, Pellenc ST, Starlinger, Steinert Elektromagnetbau, Tecnofer Ecoimpianti and WEIMA Maschinenbau. Exhibitors involved in the collection and processing of plastics include Suez Recycling & Recovery, TOMRA, Ventus, Galloo, MTM Plastics and Omnicycle.
Brussels is at the heart of EU legislation on plastics recycling with the new Waste Framework Directive being enforced from 2015, making the city's Tour & Taxis an ideal venue for the Plastics Recycling Show. Until recently the plastics recycling industry has had a relatively low profile with more than 50 percent of plastics in Europe being sent to landfill every year. PRS aims to change this situation and to put focus on the most pressing issues within the plastics recycling industry.
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