From the ‘you-can't-make-this-stuff-up' file.
There's one very lucky little bear in Colorado Springs, Colo., these days after police, fire and wildlife workers teamed up to rescue it from its frightening encounter with a large plastic container.
The bear, which we will call Arnold Schwarzenegger, managed to get its head stuck in a protein powder container. That's the stuff weightlifters use to help build up muscle.
Anyway, police officers responding to an early morning call on Aug. 18 arrived at the scene in a residential neighborhood to find Arnold's head stuck in the container.
We'll let the police report take it from here.
“Officers Wetzel, Duzel and Powers located the bear cub and attempted to remove the bottle to no avail. The quick witted officers were able to get the cub into the back seat of a patrol car and brought her to nearby fire station 3, where a Department of Wildlife Ranger sedated the bear,” the report reads.
“Firefighters were then able to safely remove the bottle with their rescue tools. The bear cub was tagged and released by the Department of Wildlife in hopes that she will be reunited with mama bear,” the report continues.
The hungry bear received a good bit of local media attention, obviously.
A television station in Denver, 9News, dug deep and was able to uncover one theory about the little bear ended up getting his head stuck in the big jar.
“I'm guessing it was out in somebody's trash, and it still had a little bit of chocolate protein powder in there that [she] was trying to sniff out just like Pooh Bear," Patrol Sgt. Patrick David told the television station.