McDonald's no longer keeps track of how many hamburgers it sells — but PVC compounder Roscom Inc. is still counting all the pounds of compounds that it cranks out.
Earlier this year, Croydon, Pa.-based Roscom hit the 1 billion pound mark for pounds of PVC compounds sold. Company officials estimate that amount equals more than 13.5 trillion pellets. The milestone came 26 years after Roscom opened its doors in 1990.
Roscom supplies a wide variety of flexible and rigid PVC compounds into numerous markets including automotive, construction, marine and electrical. The firm also offers toll compounding services.
Strong demand growth for its products and a need for space led Roscom in September to close its sister firm, PVC hose extruder TekTube Group LLC. All TekTube employees now work for Roscom.
The two firms had shared an 84,000 square-foot space in Croydon, but Roscom needed more room to handle increased toll compounding as well as production of new products such as compounds using non-phthalate plasticizers. Demand for those products has grown quickly since Roscom entered that market in 2014.