Call it “Tuesdays with APR.”
The Association of Plastic Recyclers is out with its lineup of webinars for 2016, which kicks off in April and runs into November. Each webinar will take place at 1 p.m. eastern time, and each on a Tuesday. Here are the topics:
April 19: “The APR Plastics Recycling Showcase: Celebrating Innovations that Support the Growth of Plastics Recycling.”
June 28: “The APR Design Guide for Plastics Recyclability: A Guided Tour through this Comprehensive Product Design Reference Tool.”
Aug. 9: “Plastics Recycling Works: Facts and Figures to Support a Thriving Industry.”
Sept. 6: “Recycling Rigid Plastics Beyond Bottles: Resources to Support MRFs and Municipalities.”
Oct. 18: “2015 PET Container Recycling Rate Report Overview.”
Nov. 15: “National Postconsumer Plastics Bottle Recycling Rate Report Overview.”
More information is available at