Advanced Polymer Monitoring Technologies Inc.'s automatic online monitoring of polymer reactions (ACOMP) system for industrial scale polymer production monitoring has been installed and is running in a customer's plant since the fall of 2014.
The real-time ACOMP technology was developed through research and development and laboratory use over 17 years, including more than 50 peer-reviewed publications and a suite of patents from Tulane University's Center for Polymer Reaction Monitoring and Characterization.
“Now that we have demonstrated reliable industrial scale operation, we are actively engaged with several manufacturers assessing new, high-value applications for the technology,” said Alex Reed, APMT's chief executive officer.
The work, supported in part by the Department of Energy's Advanced Manufacturing Office, continues targeting the development of next-generation ACOMP-based control algorithms for chemical reactions.
Advanced Polymer Monitoring Technologies is based in New Orleans.
Tel. 504-777-2804,