In case you haven't noticed it, cocktails are back in style.
Sure there's always been a corner of the world that appreciated a well-made martini (and I'm sure James Bond will be glad to give you his preferred technique for making one), but in the past few years, the specialty bar capable to making its own signature cocktails has become part of the dining landscape.
That interest also is fueling interest in the humble plastic swizzle stick.
Earlier this year, the online magazine Punch, which covers “wine, spirits and cocktails,” took a look at the swizzle stick industry, with special input from Royer Corp., a family-owned injection molder that is, in the words of Punch's Leah Mennies: “the current ne plus ultra of swizzle stick producers … responsible for everything from the gilded gladiator helmet sticks at Caesar's Place in Las Vegas to the devilish horn player-topped numbers at the Chateau Marmont in Beverly Hills to the swizzles for several classic tiki bars, like Trader Vic's.”