Strong winds knocked down its front wall but failed to dampen the production schedule at custom molder Mac Molding Co. in Sunset Hills, Mo.
“We had some straight line winds and it blew out one of the walls. Luckily no one was hurt. We were very fortunate,” said Jim Fleming, plant manager for Tacony Corp., the parent of Mac Molding.
The Sunset Hills area was hit by stormy weather July 7. Fleming said that once the shock wore off, workers were able to apply plywood and tarps to the front of the building. The second shift was able to continue operations.
He said the front wall of the 70-year-old building was made of wood and concrete block. When it tumbled forward, the tool room was exposed to the elements. Fleming said workers were able to quickly dry off molds and keep them from rusting.
“We didn't lose power and our molding machines are about 30 feet away from where it happened,” he said. Mac Molding makes vacuum cleaner parts and other plastic components.