Age: 26.
Education: Bachelor's in civil engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology. Pursuing an executive MBA from Ohio State University.
Tell us about your family: My mother was a director of customer care at Delta Air Lines. She helped teach me the importance of listening to customers while having a strategic approach to solving their problems.
Biggest failure and what it taught you? I grew up in a generation that was taught that a college degree represented a one way path to success. This resulted in a lack of understanding of what experience brings to development. Now, I listen first, challenge second, then actually listen again. The second time of listening has resulted in amazing successes (a lot of the solutions weren't mine).
What emerging technology or market most interests you? The international market, in particular India and Mexico. I see a lot of automotive OEMs moving to Mexico yet the supply chain isn't there. I look at India and they have a good technology foundation with no physical building/ structural support. Also both political systems add a depth of complexity that we don't see in the United States.
What about the plastics industry surprises you? The size! I am still amazed how big the plastic industry represents within the American economy. All the headlines talk about the LinkedIn buyout by Google, yet the DowDuPont merger is five times larger, and that is just the tip of the iceberg of the plastics industry.
Best advice you've received? “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” — Jack Welch
What advice would you give to a person considering a career in plastics? Go for it. Whether one focuses in technology and innovation, plastics has it. If someone is interested in business and M&As, plastics is currently one of the largest hotspots. If somebody likes marketing, help the market understand and participate sustainability.
If you were CEO of a company what would you do first? LISTEN.
Who is your mentor, or someone you look up to? Bobby Jones showed a great passion and love for something he was good at, which led to him being one of the greatest in history of his sport.
What job do you really want to have in the future? It is important to me to work hard at what I love to do. With love and hard work comes success and happiness.
What do you do to relax? I greatly enjoy golfing, outdoors and playing Frisbee with Waldo (my dog).