Conair Group has introduced the DeDuster C-50, a machine-mounted unit that fits above the feedthroat of an injection molding machine or extruder, and loading or drying hoppers. It weighs just 20 pounds and requires only 9.5 inches of additional headroom.
A simple on/off switch starts the unit. As raw material enters the DeDuster, a servo-driven agitator eliminates bridging and regulates the flow. Then, compressed air is introduced and split into two streams. One stream passes through an inozer and into the body of the DeDuster, and breaks the electrostatic bond between pellets and the dust and angel hair falling through it. At the same time, the second stream of air passes through a venturi to create a vacuum that draws the lighter contaminants away as the heavier, clean pellets continue into the processing machine.
Dust and angel air are carried into two mini-cyclones where they fall out of suspension and into a see-through catch bin.
Air is exhausted through a filtered outlet.
According to Conair, based in Cranberry Township, Pa., payback can be expected in about a month based on reduced scrap levels.
Tel. 724-584-5500.