Düsseldorf, Germany — Zahoransky AG is uniting its mold making and automation capabilities under one roof and one management to provide integrated systems that improve time to production.
Zahoransky Automation & Molds GmbH, formerly called Zahoransky Formenbau GmbH, officially launched operations Oct. 1, headquartered in Freiburg, Germany.
Originally known for its machinery for the production of brushes, Zahoransky has in recent years developed new markets, including caps and closures and medical devices. The growth of the medical end market, in particular, is driving increased demand for automated production, said Robert Dous, director of sales and marketing during an interview a K 2016 in Düsseldorf. Hybrid parts like syringes, with both a needle and plastic barrel, present unique molding challenges.
“Putting a needle into a mold is not that big of a challenge. The challenge is, if you have a cycle time of six seconds and you're adding 10 seconds for inserting the needles, then it's not good because you're losing 10 seconds,” said Michael Schmidt, managing director of the division. “So the challenge is … can you insert and take it out while you mold it in order to not lose cycle time?”