The Laura and Alvin Siegal Lifelong Learning Program at Case Western Reserve University, along with partners including Detroit-based manufacturing institute Lift (Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow) and the Ohio Manufacturers' Association, is launching a lightweight additive manufacturing professional certification program.
The program is expected to start being offered in late 2017, according to a news release. Courses will be held at Cleveland-based Case or possibly onsite with partners EWI, the Ohio Aerospace Institute and Magnet, "to reach a broader Ohio audience," the release stated. The expectation is that the program will both help increase employees' skills and attract new manufacturers to the area.
Participants in the program will receive training in advanced materials, lightweighting and welding, as well as other skills that employers identify.
There will be a focus on three areas for course development: "additive manufacturing technologies, advanced materials — including metals — and polymers," the release stated.