North American compounding leader PolyOne Corp. recently added to its global assets by acquiring a pair of specialty colorants and additives makers.
The new acquisitions are Silcotec Inc. of La Porte, Ind., and Comptek Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH of Diez, Germany.
Silcotec makes silicone-based color masterbatch concentrates, while Comptek produces color compounds and concentrates based on fluoropolymers and other high-end specialty resins.
Silcotec employs 30 at its single production site. The firm was founded in 1991 by Brian Sauers and Clif Myers and is “an innovative provider of silicone colorants, additives and formulations,” a PolyOne spokesman told Plastics News.
Comptek employs 20 at its only production site. The firm was founded in 1992 by Sten and Ursula Karlström and has built “a broad and technical solutions portfolio of colorants, additives and formulations for high-temperature thermoplastics,” the spokesman said.
No purchase price was disclosed for either firm. The spokesman said Silcotec and Comptek combined have annual sales of between $10 million and $12 million.
The Silcotec and Comptek deals follow a pattern of specialty acquisitions for Avon Lake, Ohio-based PolyOne. In 2016, the firm bought thermoplastic elastomer-related assets from Kraton Performance Polymers and also acquired two composites businesses from Gordon Holdings.
Plastics News ranks PolyOne as North America's largest compounder and concentrates maker and one of its largest resin distributors. The firm posted sales of just over $3.3 billion in 2016.