Lahaina, Hawaii — Two rotational molding trade associations — the Association of Rotational Molders (ARM) and the Association of Rotational Moulders Australisia Inc. (ARMA) — will hold their first Joint Executive Meeting, in Lahaina, on the island of Maui, March 26-28.
The membership of the two trade groups includes rotomolders, suppliers, designers and professionals from around the world.
Roto Polymers, a supplier of rotomolding resins and color compounds, is cosponsoring the ARM/ARMA Joint Executive Meeting.
ARM is based in Glen Ellyn, Ill. ARMA, based in Ipswich, Australia, represents rotomolders throughout Australia, New Zealand and Asia.
ARMA's Watertank Group represents more than 80 percent of the rotomolded rainwater tank industry in the region.
Roto Polymers supplies more than 200 million pounds per year of material a year to customers in more than 30 customers. Its rotomolding resins include Rotolene, Rotolene High Flow, Rotolene Industrial, Rotolene HD and Rotolene Black Ultra, which is a recycled material.