Custom injection molder Atlantis Industries Corp. is moving to a larger facility in Delaware to accommodate growth.
The firm will vacate its building in Milton for one under construction five miles away in Georgetown, according to Chuck McClure, the company's general manager. Atlantis will lease the new building, which at 40,000 square feet is about 15,000 square feet bigger than its current facility.
"We have acquired new business that can't be supported with the space constraint of our current plant," McClure said in a phone interview. Atlantis had to move warehousing to an offsite location, and relocating to a bigger building will allow it to bring warehousing back in house.
McClure said new automotive molding work is a big part of the newly captured business. Auto is Atlantis's largest single market but military components, firearms, safety and pharmaceutical goods are also prominent. Typical auto parts are underbody panels, such as supports and brackets. These parts are made of high-strength materials like reinforced polypropylene, glass-filled nylon and ABS.