Arburg GmbH + Co. KG celebrated its 25-year anniversary in China with an evening event July 7 in Shanghai.
Managing partner Renate Keinath presented an anniversary sculpture to Zhao Tong, managing director of the Arburg organizations in China. Other highlights were video messages from senior partner Eugen Hehl, employees of the parent company and numerous customers.
The location: The Peace Hotel, the oldest hotel in Shanghai.
Arburg, the injection molding press maker in Lossburg, Germany, established a subsidiary in Hong Kong in 1992. The company added two more subsidiaries, in Shanghai in 2004 and Shenzhen in 2006.
After the official part of the event, attendees moved to the hotel roof for a dinner and cocktail party, with jazz music.
Arburg officials plan to hold another 25th anniversary celebration in Shenzhen, China on Sept. 22.