This letter is in response to the comments made by Richard Doyle of the Vinyl Institute — "Anti-PVC comments distort the facts" (Aug. 7, Page 6), which was in reference to the July 17 issue of Plastics News ["PVC alternatives spur Eldon James' growth," Page 4].
We've found that when you are disrupting the status quo or offering options to the way it has always been done, you will be met with opposition. You will also have the opportunity to meet those who are working to innovate and make a difference. We thrive on working with these innovators every day and have built a business differentiating ourselves in this way.
The claims we make about PVC and its additives are not fabricated, but rather supported with data published by many admired research institutions and global government agencies. Our website offers links to multiple sources citing research linking PVC and its related plasticizers to cancer, endocrine disruptors, ADD and ADHD, asthma and other concerning health issues.
The fact is, the PVC industry has had to change and regulations have been set because of the health concerns mentioned above. Hospitals and Fortune 500 companies continue to pledge to reduce and eliminate PVC and its related plasticizers because it is the right thing to do.
Marcia Coulson
President, Eldon James Corp.