Rosemont, Ill. — Teknor Apex Co. introduced its TekTuff dry color blends, which it says have an enhancement for good impact resistance and even higher loadings during Rotoplas in Rosemont.
Rotational molders will save the cost of a pulverized impact-modified compound, the company said.
John Wood, technical manager for Teknor Color Co., Teknor Apex's color division, made a presentation on the Rotoplas show floor. Teknor Color also had a booth at the show.
Teknor Color originally designed TekTuff for the injection molding sector.
“We think TekTuff has opened another market space in the dry colorant market,” Wood said of rotomolding.
TekTuff covers a middle ground, he said — significantly less expensive than impact modified compounds, which need the extra steps of extrusion and pulverizing, with better quality than traditional dry blends for the sector. With standard dry colors, higher loadings often result in reduced impact resistance, according to Teknor Color.
The enhanced impact strength from TekTuff colors gives rotomolders the options of boosting part performance, designing parts with thinner walls or increasing color levels, said Teknor Color, based in Pawtucket, R.I.