Rosemont, Ill. — Tom Innis, president of mold maker Avantech Inc. and a rotational molding activist, won the Charles D. Frederick Distinguished Service Award at the Rotoplas conference in Rosemont.
The Association of Rotational Molders said Innis received the award for his work in webinars, many ARM committees and for backing the rotomolding industry's Roto Made Local campaign. Innis and Stephen Zamprelli, vice president of product development at Formed Plastics Inc., run the Roto Made Local booth at the Industrial Designers Society of America's annual conference.
Other awards went to:
• Two rotomolding companies: Formed Plastics, of Carle Place, N.Y., and Flexahopper Plastics Ltd. of Lethbridge, Alberta, won the Safety Award for their 2016 safety records.
• ARM officials handed out three student design awards. All three went to students at University of Wisconsin-Stout: Abigail Scray won first place, John Fox picked up second place and Nate Eberle won third place.
The awards were presented at a dinner Sept. 28 during Rotoplas.
To kick off the evening, Daven Claerbout, director of business development at Dutchland Plastics LLC, and a professional auctioneer, ran an auction that raised $17,200 for rotomolding scholarships and other programs.