Many plastics companies that want to reach out to local schools, but they may not know where to start. Here is a good idea: tap into the Society of Plastics Engineers' PlastiVan program.
"The PlastiVan program is a great way to excite young people about the science of plastics, and the vast opportunities the industry has to offer," said Eve Vitale, SPE Foundation Director. "We travel to schools and companies throughout North America, educating people of all ages about plastics chemistry, history, processing, manufacturing, sustainability and applications."
In November and December the PlastiVan is visiting two high schools in Connecticut at the invitation of Pawcatuck, Conn.-based Davis-Standard LLC.
Through PlastiVan, students get lessons on chemistry, history and sustainability issues of polymers and plastics, plus exposure to career opportunities and college programs focused on plastics engineering.
According to Jim Murphy, Davis-Standard president and CEO: "The majority of our workforce in Pawcatuck is from the local area, so we want to make sure students realize the many opportunities available to them. This ranges from building machines that process polymers to the engineering and testing that makes it all possible."
For more information about the PlastiVan Program, contact Julie Proctor at [email protected].