We have completed another editorial calendar year of rankings and lists, Hurrah! All that's left to do now is bundle them up for our end of the year issue called, Market Data Book. This is the edition where we display the top 100 in each ranking along with any corrections or updated notes gathered since the original publication date. That issue comes out December 24th with 2,213 companies listed.
How does that break down?
• 230 associations.
• 125 blow molders with 709 plants.
• 211 compounders
• 172 film and sheet extruders with 757 plants,
• 595 injection molders with 1,551 plants.
• 135 mold makers with 223 plants.
• 204 pipe, profile and tubing extruders with 601 plants.
• 196 recyclers and brokers.
• 118 rotational molders with 209 plants.
• 227 thermoformers with 508 plants.
Presented below are some basic statistics from the processor rankings this year. Let's see how they stack up.
In average sales per company, the biggest percentage gain went to pipe, profile and tubing extruders at nearly 13 percent.
This can be mostly attributed to consolidation. The footnotes reported 16 acquisitions out of the 204 firms. Injection molders and film and sheet manufacturers were also very active in mergers and acquisitions.
The number of firms in each ranking was fairly stable, which allows the dollar gains chart below to reflect market growth.