Detroit — The Society of Plastics Engineers announced at Antec that it has signed a licensing agreement with the Plastics Industry Association for its program, "This Is Plastics."
SPE members will have access to the program, which gives positive messages about plastics and is aimed at making industry employees ambassadors for the industry. Access will be through SPE's website, at
"Plastics is too often portrayed negatively by the media," said Patrick Farrey, CEO of SPE in Bethel, Conn. "We want to tell the other side of the story — the great news about the value plastics play in everyday life. By equipping SPE members with data and science-based talking points, we can better contribute to a constructive, positive conversation, which is essential to changing the perception of plastics."
Resources include articles, images, videos and interactive quizzes with topics on plastics 101, safety, economic impact, environmental issues and innovation.