Entry: Plastics News Daily Reports from NPE2018
Winners: The Plastics News editorial staff.
This marks the 10th time that Plastics News has been honored by the ASBPE for show dailies. (Can you say dynasty?)
It's obviously a category where we excel. And we've already done one set of show dailies this year — in Spanish — at the Plastimagen trade show in Mexico.
Later this year, we'll do six English-language dailies at K 2019 in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Last year we did Daily Reports at NPE2018, and English-language dailies at Fakuma in Germany.
I love it when the Azbee judges recognize our show dailies, because they truly are a team effort. Last year that included our entire editorial team, plus assistance from our sister polymer publications in Europe and Akron, Ohio, and our two excellent freelance photographers. So thanks again to everyone who made the Daily Reports from NPE2018 an overwhelming success!
Bronze winner: in the category: Design-Infographics.
Entry: Plastics News infographics.
Winners: Jessica Jordan, art director, and Hollee Keller, editorial research coordinator.
On top of all those, our team also picked up four awards, including one first place, in the Detroit Society of Professional Journalists 2019 contest. These are awards that recognize excellent work done by newspapers, magazines, TV, radio and websites based in the Detroit metro area.
The awards, and the Plastics News staffers honored, include:
First Place, Environment Reporting, to Steve Toloken, Jim Johnson and Catherine Kavanaugh. This was for the special report, “Straw bans seen as tackling a ‘gateway plastic.'”
Third Place, Environmental Reporting, to Steve Toloken, for his stories, “G7 plastics charter aims to remake single-use plastics”/”Scientists see ‘tipping point' on ocean plastics.”
Fourth Place, Spot or Breaking News, to Frank Esposito, for “Processors, producers struggle with nylon 6/6 shortage.”
And finally, Fourth Place, General Column Writing, to Don Loepp, for his Viewpoint columns.
Thanks to everyone for the outstanding work.