Stop right there! Before you even suggest it ... data entry is not something you can delegate or outsource to people or software not familiar with the data you collect and wish to promote.
When done right, data tells many stories. When flubbed, someone else will notice it's not up to par. Not a good look for anyone passing off information as a resource.
It's shocking to consider the number of professionals I've heard say they plan to hire someone to do data entry or worse yet, use algorithms or yikes! call centers — essentially putting an important asset into unfamiliar hands.
For Plastics News' rankings and lists, we handle about 40 details per company listed, more if you include addresses for plant locations, and 15 of which can be used for quantitative analysis. Reporting on how the industry is performing is what we do. When we say something, we have data to prove it.
Is there a correlation between resin pricing and production? There can be, but the value lies in being able to represent that relationship with real numbers to back it up, not typos or rookie mistakes.